How it works.. is proud to take the auction experience to the next level. Reverse auction is an online software market place where buyers can post their service needs and request quotes from the service providers. He selects the best service provider as per his budget and preferred talents through received quotes.
Reverse auction is for anyone who wants to set up their own online business and it caters to any industry. It fully depends on individual idea and nature of online business he wants to do.
Different clients were using our software product for different industries, to name a few Jetonair,,
To know more about clients click here
Version 3.0 has new features:
- Mobile Apps IOS
- HTML/CSS Apply in admin
- Change roles (Buyer to Seller and Seller to Buyer)
- Rollback feature
- QuickBooks API Admin
- Video conferencing in reverse auction
- Live Auction feature
- Appoinment booking with activity
- Email marketing through MailChimp
- Contract PDF document & invitation for other user
- Notification for reverse auction app
- Language translation
- Facebook & LinkedIn verification
- Project remove from admin side
- Project based comment, calender, & cover photo
- Promise pay intergration & Twilio intergration
- Free membership hidden activation
- Google analytics
- Design for broken page, action and feedback
- Refund process & Setting auto bid
- One way notification (Admin to client) & Verify Freelancer
- Bid credits (debit few amount from Freelancer)
- Sorting functionality, FAQ & unlike functionality
- Stripe integration, multiple upload file, & Auto play banner video
- Step by step project posting & How it works video integration
- Slide intergration
- Top 5 service providers in homepage & Draft for project posting
- Project cancellation & 7 days cooling plan
- Notification at header & Team members invites
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