In the reverse auction demo buyers are trying to find freelancers who are able to complete projects within a time-frame. Buyer’s upload their projects with keywords so freelancers are able to search. The freelancers are able to message the buyer’s. If the buyer’s like a freelancer, they discuss about the price they are willing to pay for the freelancer’s services. Once they both come with an agreement the organization or company hires the freelancer to work on the project.
Freelancers are able to search by category or keyword in the search bar. They are also able to look at the projects description and decide if they are able to work on the project or not. Buyers are able to review freelancers and vice versa. The way buyers pay their freelancers is by depositing the money straight to the freelancers account. Buyers can also set up a dead-line so freelancers can evaluate if they are able to complete the project by then or not. Freelancers also have the option to hide a proposal for a project and hide it from other freelancers (buyers are able to see hidden proposals). If a freelancer is offered the project but is unable to work on the project they are able to decline a buyer’s proposal.
Admins are able to look at the total bids, projects completed, projects posted, registered clients, approved freelancers, and pending approvals. All these come in graphs to make the picture look clear in a clean matter. Admins can look and edit some settings like advertisements, approve freelancers, email management, membership settings, other settings, payment module, project invitations, project module, reports, terms and conditions, theme settings, and users.
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