Line Items: Auction Software

A unit of information in a document, record, or statement, shown on a separate line of its own. Line items often refer to a budget element that is separately identified. Purpose The line item budgeting system serves several purposes. First, it helps a business understand whether its income is sufficient to cover its expenses. Second,..

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Extended Bidding – AuctionSoftware.com

Extended bidding ensures that your items/auctions receive the highest bid available by automatically extending the closing times on items receiving additional bids in the final moments. Enabling the Extended Bidding option allows you to create triggers to automatically extend the closing time on items with active bidding and capture all last minute bids. There we..

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Auction SaaS App

Our app can help Timer implementation Submit bid api Search event api Store / event info view added  https://www.loom.com/share/6976f4b61d424fc182437582ff7282fe

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Install AuctionSoftware in Docker

DOCKER INSTALLATION PROCESS: To install Docker on Ubuntu, in the terminal window enter the command $ sudo apt install docker.io The Docker service needs to be setup to run at startup $ sudo systemctl start docker $ sudo systemctl enable docker To verify the installed Docker version number $ docker –version Alternative: Install Docker from..

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Auction Software, Manage who bids on the items

Managing who bids on your items  To help the listings sell for the highest price possible, you’ll normally want as many bidders as possible. However, they can set up buyer requirements to control where items sent to, how payments will be accepted, and whether to accept bids from buyers with poor feedback scores.  In very rare cases,..

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Silent Auction: CanCel Bids how it works

CANCEL BID  There are some situations where you can cancel bids that have been placed on your auction style listings. However, once canceled, a bid can’t be reinstated.  To try to prevent potential buyers from being disappointed. However, you can cancel a bid when:  A buyer requests to cancel their bid that may be incorrectly..

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AuctionSoftware: Two – step sealed bidding

Two–step sealed bidding  Two-step sealed bidding is a variation of sealed bidding. Generally, there are two steps to obtain benefits of sealed bidding when adequate specifications are not available. Two-step sealed bidding is especially useful in acquisitions requiring technical proposals, particularly those for complex items.  Two processes that boost procurement efficiency  Sealed bidding makes the..

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Auction Software : Sealed Bidding

A sealed bid is a document enclosed in a sealed envelope and is submitted in response to the invitation to bid. Sealed bids received up to deadline date are generally opened at a stated time and place usually in the presence of anyone who may wish to be present and evaluated for award of a..

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Workflow Management

There are many different types of software available to manage workflow. But what works the best when working on projects with multiple contractors? Do you need a separate software package to manage workflow? A separate package for payments?Another for communication? The answer to all of these questions is a simple no. When people use Auction..

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