AuctionSoftware.com and NewRelic Integration

Description: New Relic is an observability platform that helps you build better software. You can bring in data from any digital source so that you can fully understand your system and how to improve it. New Relic : New Relic is a Software as a Service offering that focuses on performance and availability monitoring. It uses a..

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Cancel Bid Feature in AuctionSoftware.com

The Cancel Bid(s) feature will be used with the Bidder or the Store Seller who wishes to delete particular Highest Bid place by a bidder on a LOT in an Auction. Once the Cancel Bid is done, the previously placed Bid will become the Highest Bid and that Bidder will be Winning that LOT. Scenario..

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On Reserve and No Reserve in AuctionSoftware.com

If you register as a seller, you can post your products to the site. While posting a product seller can enable reserve days for their products,  On Reserve No Reserve On Reserve If product end date is met, and its reserved price is met, then the product will get awarded to the highest bidder.  If..

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Relist a Product in AuctionSoftware.com

Here we have 2 registrations, Buyer and seller Buyer – Register as buyer→ login to the site→ Bid for the product→ buy the product.  Seller – Register as buyer→ login to the site→ Post the product→ Request fund As a seller, we can post our products to the site, We have 2 types of relist..

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PaymentGateway.io and AuctionSoftware.com

Paymentgateway.io is an online payment platform powered by stripe. It provides a simple and powerful way to send and receive the payments. Payment gateway simplified the payment process, accepting a wide variety of debit and credit payment methods, ACH, Wire, Contactless Payments. Payment Gateway provides a highly interactive dashboard to the user for tacking the..

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Language Manager in AuctionSoftware.com

Language Manager In language Manager we can manage below actions. This will be handled by admin. Create new language phrase Groups Import CSV Add / Edit new language Phrase list Create new language phrase We can create new language phrases and call them as (variables) from your html templates.  The Default language is English we..

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Extended Bidding in AuctionSoftware.com

Extended bidding Every lot has a scheduled closing time. If any user is placing a bid at the last minute then the end date for that lot will extend to the next few minutes. These will be managed by the admin.  Admin will have below options to edit.  Minimum Time Limit for Extension Bidding – This..

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Bid Setting in Auction Software

Admin will have this option to edit bid settings. Options available in admin are Enter Bid Increment Bid Increment is the difference between Current bid and next bid.  Enter Bid Fees Once an auction is awarded, a certain amount of fee will be added to the auction during checkout.  Number of days  Notification will be..

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Automation in Auction Software via Cucumber.io

Test cases to be automated can be selected using the following criterion to increase the automation ROI High Risk – Business Critical test cases Test cases that are repeatedly executed Test Cases that are very tedious or difficult to perform manually Test Cases which are time-consuming Automated Testing Process: Following steps are followed in an..

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Return cart for AuctionSoftware

Once Auction is ended, it will check if the highest bid amount has met the reserve price, if yes, the auction will get awarded to the highest bidder. If not, then the product will move to unsold.  Won products will be added to cart and from there winner can proceed with checkout. All the won..

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